My morning latté is definitely all about me!
I can't remember when it was when I first tasted a true latté. Not those oversweetened packaged things or the ones from the machine at Timmie's...I mean the real espresso ones. Mmmmmmm-mmmm-mmmm.
I think the first specialty coffee I tried was in Toronto at a Second Cup Café. I ordered a medium cappuccino, not really knowing what to expect. It was good, but there was too much foam for my taste. Not knowing any better, I continued to order caps like that. I was an espresso newbie back in the day.
Fast forward several years....... I experimented with caps and lattés, [I sound like some sort of addict don't I?!] By this time we had a few Second Cup Cafés here in town and they enlightened me to the fact that I could request my lattés without foam! Now, that was better! So, each time I was in the mall, I would treat myself to a delicious latté.
After a few years of that I realized that I sure would enjoy a latté every my own house! DH bought me an espresso machine for Christmas one year. It was the steam operated type. Well, after a few near burns and explosions, I realized that the steam machine was an accident waiting to happen. I returned it and bought a Pump driven espresso machine. I still have that machine today. It's about 15 years old. I have replaced only one part in all these years.
I even became a certified Barrista when I went to work at Second Cup! I worked there for over four years and because we were allowed as many free drinks as we wanted, I got to learn how to make my lattés just the way I like them. Double shot, non fat, no foam, extra-extra hot!
Now that the Second Cups in town have closed down [BOO to Tim Horton's for being such a bully] we treat ourselves to Starbucks once in a while, but I still use my trusty Briel espresso machine every day!!!
Feb 28, 2007
My Morning Latté
Feb 26, 2007
My Weekend at the Cottage
I guess if I'm to stick to the POTD theme, I would say that my cottage says a lot about me. Outdoors, peace, fresh air and contentment surround me when I'm there. And of course, my family!!
Both daughters and their boyfriends spent the day with us. We had a campfire outside and roasted weiners and Kolbassa. Did a little ice fishing - no bites. The best event was our annual Ski-bogging fun. We hook up the water-ski rope to the back of the snowmobile, hop on the toboggan and go for a ride! WHEEEEEEeeeeee! Too fun. Safety is always at the top of the priority list, so helmets are worn by all and speed is kept to a comfortable pace.
It was also M's 24th birthday on Saturday, which made it an even more special day!
Gracie couldn't sleep in her usual spot, so we let her sleep on the lazyboy on her doggie bed. What a lazy a$$ dog!!...and SPOILED!
And that's ME in the fur hat [from the thrift shop -- I would NOT, EVER buy fur new - ONLY used] and the retro 1970's Skidoo suit!
I am really pleased with the shots I got this weekend. It's the first time I've really been able to snap away while outdoors because it's been so cold.
What do you think of these? HHCC always appreciated, or just leave a comment!
Feb 22, 2007
Here's a sign that is right next to STARBUCKS. I snapped this while DH went in to get his coffee on our way on our road trip the other day.
Hmmm. No snow that day, but there sure is now! We're in the middle of our 2nd blizzard of the WHOLE season. Not much accumulation, but very blustery.
Ciao La!
My Backyard Critter
This little critter makes my dog's day. If she sees it while she's outside, you know she has because of her happy bark! Her tail wags to beat the band and you can even see a smile on her face!
When I walked into the kitchen today, the squirrel AND a Mourning Dove were sharing the feeder. Of course, as soon as I picked up the camera, the Dove flew away. That would have made a great shot. Maybe next time!
Feb 21, 2007
PRO or not to PRO - the ongoing debate!
To start, I want to say that I strongly believe that nobody should falsely say that they are a Pro and charge Pro prices if they are not.
I have to agree with some Peas that said the following:
-[“Can someone please explain to me why this seems to be such a huge issue on this board? I'm not being snarky, I'm being serious. I just do not understand why someone here would care about what someone else was doing in their PRIVATE life when it doesn't affect anyone on this MB."] --
["I have noticed a bitter tone to anyone who is trying to learn or maybe to those who are not quite where they should be and are trying to start a business already……but in my VERY humble opinion, if that's what they want to do and people actually PAY them to do it, then each to their own…"]
-[ think the title “Pro” gets everybody messed up. I agree with Chris on what would make up a “Pro” photographer. But I think somewhere along the line people automatically assume that because someone has gone into business and is providing that service that they are claiming to be “Pros”.]
["You may be talented, you may excell at a certain kind of work, but if you aren't ready for anything and everything, you really have no business calling yourself a pro. To do so is disrespectful to those who ARE ready for the whatever happens scenario."]
However, all that being said, I honestly don’t understand what the big deal is about ARGUING over pros v.s. non-pros.
It is unfortunate that some of these prowannabes don’t have a clue, but as the saying goes, “you get what you pay for.” No one wants to be scammed and we don’t want to be outdone by our competitors, however, regardless of how good the photographer is, or what kind of camera they have – they should be able to sell their services if they wish.
You may not agree with me, but hey... that's okay! This is MY opinion afterall.
Since I’m a huge fan of analogies…..[drives my daughters NUTS]
1. Group 1. There are oodles and oodles of musical artists out there. Some are professional artists who are signed with a huge, recognizable label. They are famous and have a huge fan base. Their CDs are bought up by the millions and their tunes are sung by every Tom, Dick and Harry. Perhaps these 'pros' have been trained professionally, perhaps some not.
2. Group 2. There are some awesomely great artists with an independent label. Some of them might not be as popular or be as good as the others. Some can’t afford the expense of managers, labels and fancy advertising. Perhaps the sound quality on their CDs isn’t quite as top notch. Maybe they are as talented as Group 1, maybe not!
3. Group 3. Some artists are just starting out and make and record their own CDs. Then there are some artists who truly suck. They might have a one-hit wonder or they make one album and are never seen or heard from again. Once again, some of these artists could be as talented as Group 1 or Group 2!
Some of these Groups might do cover tunes from some of the other groups. BUT, all of these artists sell their CDs in the same music store. Some really bad artists have their CD sitting on the shelf right next to the Celine Dion’s or Bon Jovi’s of the music scene. [gasp!!] Some people download tunes from these artists for free off the internet or they are borrowed and recorded. [gasp gasp]
I can’t play guitar very well and my voice cracks if I sing anything higher than an A#, but if wanted to record a CD – who can tell me that I can’t? I can even go so far as making dozens of copies of that CD and distributing them. I can sell them for ½ the price of the most popular artists because I choose to, because I can. I might know nothing about the recording business or how to market my CD. I might suck, but SO WHAT?? If I want to record and sell my CD, don’t I have the right? My peers might laugh at me or cringe when they hear my voice. Oh well!!
To all this I say, SO WHAT?? It’s a competitive world out there. Always has been and I don’t see that changing any time soon. You see dozens of restaurants on one street but you don’t see ALL the people going to just ONE of those restaurants do you? [oops sorry, another analogy!]
I guess the term PRO is just too vague. It means different things to different people. For me it TOTALLY comes down to one thing and one thing only. Don't sell yourself as a PRO if you're not, but if you're not a Pro but you still want to sell your wares... I say, go for it.
Okay, I’m done now.
Please feel free to comment here. I won't bash you or insult you. I appreciate OPINIONS.
Feb 19, 2007
I need three hands -- Part II !!
Finally had enough energy to go out for a walk. Took the dog in the bush again. Oh geez. My face was freezing, my fingers were freezing. I had the camera tucked into my jacket and pulled it out for the shots. The dog was bouncing all over the place {so happy to finally be outside!] I couldn't wait to get back home. I thought I had learned my lessons the last time:
1. don't bring camera when walking alone with the dog
2. bring hubby on walks so he can hold the leash
3. get warmer gloves
4. wear a cap to stop the glaring sun from my eyes
5. have newly charged batteries in the camera [THIS I remembered!]
6. find third hand
These last two shots are of the skating path on Lake Ramsey. Not too many people out on it this day, too cold I guess. Gracie stood on the cliff and barked and barked and barked at everyone across the lake. On the left, you can see the Boardwalk. First winter ever that I've not seen snow on the path. It's so weird. We only have about 6" of snow. We usually have several FEET by this time! Forecast calls for a few centimetres today. Hope it blows over. I'm loving this snowless winter -- not the COLD, but the lack of snow.
What I have to figure out is how come my camera chose an ISO of 800 [too cold to use Manual, so I had it set on Auto] for these shots! It was SUNNY outside!! ?????
Feb 18, 2007
My love of technology
I am a gadget geek - a tech junkie! I love, love, love technology! I don't have a clue how things work deep down to the bare bones of it, but I know how to operate things! I have a PDA, a cool camera/mP3 cell phone, a laptop, a desktop PC, two VCRs, a DVD player, a portable DVD player, a portable CD/mP3 player, etc! I can work a remote control device like it's nobody's business! I can program a VCR in 7 seconds flat.
I am totally self-taught on all things electronic. Even family members call me if they can't figure out their TV or VCR or computer!
I see new gadgets in stores like Radio Shack or Future Shop and I just want them so bad - just because they're cool! Good thing I have restraint - or lack of funds which is the main reason I don't give in to impulse!
What really confuses me though is the hookups to these things. Sometimes I just can't figure out what wire goes where. I bought this device, called a GameBridge that allows me to record video or TV programs through through the VCR onto my laptop. It took me EIGHT hours to figure out how to set it up. After all that, it was such a simple solution. I was plugging it into the OUT jacks instead of the IN jacks - or was it the other way around? ha ha
And oh how I L-O-V-E my laptop! It stays in the living room where I can surf/play/watch/plan/edit to my heart's content while DH is watching TV -- or should I say flip TV. Why is it that men get a remote in their hands and feel the urge to flip, flip, flip.....?
Maybe the reason hubby flips is because he is totally cluless when it comes to these gadgets. He couldn't even set the time on the TV or VCR if his life depended on it! I even have to set the alarm on his watch!! Once in awhile, the VCR might be on [and to change channels you would need the remote in VCR mode] and DH would try to change channels in TV mode. Of course it won't work that way and DH goes into panic mode and yells, "De-e-e-e-b-b-b-b-b". If I wasn't there to fix things - he would likely just turn off the TV and give up!
So cheers to all things electronic! You make my life easier. You make my life happier.
There is ONE electronic machine that I will NEVER own. I have never had one, never wanted one and likely will never ever buy. Actually, I did have one, but I got rid of it! Can you guess what it is??
ETA - It's a DISHWASHER. I like the fact that doing dishes is a wind-down after dinner. It's especially nice when DH helps. I got rid of the dishwasher that came with both of the houses we lived in. I wanted my daughters to grow up knowing what the 'real' doing dishes was all about. I have never wanted one, don't miss it and I don't think I'll ever get one. Besides, I don't have enough dishes. I'm too much of a conservationist waste the water or to run the dish cycle on a daily basis, so after 2-3 days, I'd have no clean dishes left!!!
Feb 15, 2007
My Trip
We're going to North Bay today to pick up M. She's done school for now and will be coming back home for 4 weeks to do another placement. This time she'll be at Lockerby High School. She has a lot of stuff to bring back home and it would have been too difficult for her to take the bus. Her boyfriend, J and two other friends will be joining us for the weekend. Another full house! I enjoy having company, but I've been so darn sick lately with a relentless upset stomach that I hope I feel up to it.
Last time we took a ride to North Bay, I brought the new camera and took a few shots. After getting back home, I realized I had the ISO on 800+ the whole time! Aggh. So right now, I'm going to check all the camera settings before I pack up my bag. And I have to put new batteries in too. The other day at my Photography Club meeting, I was trying an experiment with my camera and the batteries dies. Duh.
So my goal is to take at least one picture today worth posting. Stay tuned.
ETA - Well, easier said than done. I counted at least 20 fine photo ops, but I just wasn't able to capture them. Whizzing down the highway at 100km/hr isn't the best for shooting. Auto focus is fast, but not that fast! If I had asked DH to stop every time I saw something I wanted to shoot would have had us pulling off the highway every 4 minutes! Couldn't do that either because: 1. We didn't have all day. 2. It wouldn't have been safe screeching to a halt when I yelled, "STOP NOW!"
Add to that I still feel like crap, so I really didn't want to get out of the car to move around.
So with that said, I have come to the conclusion that:
I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can get outside and take more pics.
I can't wait for spring so I can get outside and take more pics.
I can't wait till I feel better so I can get outside and take more pics.
I can't wait till I'm out of this photo slump so I can get outside and take more pics.
DH stopped at a few motorcycle shops so while I waited in the car, I took a few shots. Here's the best of a dozen or so - all taken from the front seat of the van!!!
Feb 11, 2007
My Weirdness
6 Weird Things About Me:
1. I secretly hoard chocolate.
2. Since I was a wee kid, I've never liked the crust on white bread. BUT, I was taught that I had to eat it. So, I eat the crust all the way around my sandwich first, then eat the middle after!
3. I like to peek into people's medicine cabinets! Once, at a party I hosted, I posted a sign inside my medicine cabinet that said, "I just caught you peeking inside my medicine cabinet. If you are reading this, you have WON - come to see me for a prize." Nobody claimed the prize!!!
4. I don't think it's so weird, but my family does - how I am so obsessed with waste reduction and recycling. I will literally pick a fight and argue with anyone who balks me!
5. When I was younger, I ate dog biscuits.
6. I MUST stop the microwave when the seconds are either :07, :09 or :13 !!
I tag anyone reading this to post YOUR 6 weird things. Leave me a comment with a link to your list, or post it here!!
Feb 9, 2007
My Song!
I don't know what made me think of this. Perhaps it was from listening to some oldies tunes that were playing in the restaurant today. I wondered what song was the number one song on the day I was born. [January 01, 1958]
So, I looked it up on THIS PopCulture site. Ahhh, April Love, by Pat Boone! Now if that doesn't say 'cool tune', I don't know what does! ha ha
I wanted to post a photo from my birthday too, but after looking back at the photos of January, and there wasn't one single pic of ME!!! [I guess because I'm usually the one 'behind' the camera!
What was YOUR song???
Feb 7, 2007
My Daily Entertainment
At least once a day, Gracie decides it's time to play with Finnigan, the cat. Usually, Finnigan is sound asleep on Gracie's bed when she decides it's time to play. Hmmm, maybe it's not so much play time as 'get-the-heck-off-MY-bed time!'
Gracie starts the game by slapping her paws onto Finnigan. When Finn was younger, he was gung-ho to return the slaps and so the game was on. These days, Finny has gotten quite miserable and ornery and doesn't think the game is so fun. The cat gets this look on his face that clearly says, "back off or you'll be sorry, missy!" Being the ever playful, fun-loving dog she is, Gracie doesn't get the hint and just wants to play - kinda like clueless Odie from Garfield! She snorts and chortles with mouth open and nose crinkled up! Even after a few claws stuck in her eyebrow or snout or lips, she keeps coming back for more!
Finnigan s-l-o-w-l-Y stalked Gracie, ears back, eyes glaring. His bottom jaw quivered as he smacked his lips and in a final jesture of irritation, he pounced right on her head and ran away!
I really have to practice more with action shots. My ISO was too high and of course I didn't use a tripod for these. I tried to capture the emotion in their 'fight', but this is the best I could get!!
I've been Tagged!
This is the first time I've been tagged! I'm new at this so I'm not sure what the protocol is, but here goes!
I've been tagged to write 6 things that make me very happy. Lots of things make me happy (like chocolate, sunshine and new shoes), so I'm not sure how easy it will be to pick the top 6. For me, it's probably easier to write 6 WEIRD things about me... but that's for another time!
1. Singing. Not so much me singing, or hearing singing on the radio but specifically hearing singing in tv shows and movies! I would LOVE to LIVE in a Musical!!
2. My DOG. Gracie is a joy to me, every day.
3. My children's happiness. When my daughters are happy - I'm happy!
4. Shopping for ME. I love buying things for me. Not necessarily clothing and such, but things for my house or for the cottage!
5. Eating -- Good food that somebody else cooked.
6. Sharing good times with my family -- playing games, taking hikes, watching movies, etc.
Feb 4, 2007
My Experiment
A friend and I have started a new photography club. So far there are three of us in the group!! We meet every two weeks and discuss cameras, technical stuff and upcoming challenges and projects. Our assignment for this week is Depth of Field. I haven't done too much experimenting, but I decided to try out the Macro setting on the loaned Tamron lens I have. It's a 70-300. I switched the Macro on and took a few shots. I'm not really sure what I'm doing when it comes to lenses - I really don't completetly understand them, but here's what I came up with.
I hand-held these, so I had the Shake Reduction switched on. ISO 800, ss 1/45.
I find them a bit dark, with little definition. What do you think?
Feb 1, 2007
My Favourite 10 Photos of 2006!
It was extremely hard to choose only 10 favourites. These are not all technically perfect, but are my favourites for a reason.
I like this one for it's simplicity.
This is a fav for it's photojournalistic style. You can feel how cold M is!
This is just one of those unexpected successes!
These, I just like!!
This past summer I discovered how much I enjoy taking Macro shots. This one is one of the first ones I took.
It was fun experimenting with light and shadows with this shot of my daughter, L.
My sister's dog, Mally.
Boathouse on Lake Penage.
Solitude on Lake Laurentian.
100 MORE things about ME!
I promise this is it. I won't bore you with 100 MORE after this~!
I found this quite a challenge [and I love challenges]. It was actually interesting to learn more about myself as I was writing these down. I made it a goal to keep writing and writing until I had written 100 more things. It wasn't hard until I got to about # 65. Then things started to slow down.
Leave me a link to your 100 list. I'd love to learn more about YOU!
1. I wish I wasn’t such so shy as a youngster and teenager.
2. If someone were to buy me flowers, I wouldn’t want roses. I like daisies, Gerbera daisies, lilacs, freesias and baby’s breath.
3. One of my favourite smells is fresh air.
4. If I had a choice I would never, ever exercise, but I go to the gym to stay healthy. I do love going on hikes, though.
5. I have no interest in Politics. At all.
6. I tend to complete my chores/errands/things-to-do if I write a list.
7. I LOVE a good challenge.
8. I am not a follower. I like to be unique. I actually enjoy being the nonconformist!
9. I’m not phobic, but I don’t like sleeping with the bedroom door closed.
10. I really regret losing touch with one of the best friends I ever had.
11. My husband is such a charmer. He warms my heart and makes me giggle.
12. I can fall asleep just about anywhere. Anywhere.
13. I am very optimistic
14. I love to go to restaurants for dinner. I would do it every night if I could afford it, and if it was healthy!
15. I love, love, love hot, hazy summer days.
16. I make my own espresso. I make a latte every morning.
17. I can go to bed without washing my face, but I HAVE to brush my teeth.
18. I can pick up almost anything with my toes!
19. I am blessed with a fast metabolism
20. I would love to have a male, Gay best friend.
21. I don’t want to go back to work.
22. I love raw cookie dough and cake batter.
23. My mom “lost” me once. She found me in my Oma’s chicken coop! I was two.
24. I love my dog.
25. I used to read Rod McKuen poems a lot when I was a teenager.
26. I’m not a music fanatic, but I do have eclectic tastes.
27. I prefer white cake with white icing to chocolate. Unless it’s my mother-in-law’s chocolate cake!
28. I took Drum kit lessons for six months when I was 40 years old. I had wanted to play drums ever since I remember. I got it out of my system!
29. My husband threw me a surprise party for my 40th birthday.
30. I have had people stop me to tell me I look like Lea Thompson, the actress!
31. As a child, I would cry when I saw a dog-sled team. I thought they were being mistreated. I could NOT ever watch the movie ‘Eight Below’.
32. I absolutely am a huge fan of the Harry Potter books and movies.
33. I like the number13.
34. I once stuck my finger in a light socket to see if it was ‘on’!
35. I wish I had the money to decorate my house the way I’d like to.
36. I once ate 6 hot dogs for dinner.
37. My feet are not ticklish
38. Right this second I crave a Dairy Queen chocolate-covered cherries Blizzard
39. I hate taking showers. I find it such a chore. I DO though!!
40. I don’t have a dishwasher, never have had one and I don’t want one either.
41. I am so disappointed that Arrested Development was cancelled.
42. I have great handwriting.
43. It bothers me when I hear numbers said wrong. I was taught that you’re supposed to say ‘one hundred seventy four’ – not ‘one hundred AND seventy four’!
44. One of my biggest peeves is rude salespeople. Especially if they don’t KNOW what they’re doing!
45. I get migraines. I don’t get as many as I used to.
46. I am not allergic to anything, but I have a slight sensitivity to walnuts. They make my mouth hurt.
47. My mother is a war bride. Before my dad passed away, they were married for 57 years.
48. I am a really good cook – but I hate cooking!
49. I felt so alive and healthy and energetic when I was pregnant.
50. I absolutely love silence.
51. I make simple sacrifices. Little things – like eating the apple with the bruise on it because nobody else will; or letting someone else take the last piece of pie, even though I haven’t had a piece yet; or giving up my comfy seat so someone else can sit down.
52. I almost never wear a watch.
53. I work best under pressure. Some of my most successful projects were completed in the ‘nick of time’.
54. My dream job would be a Camp Counselor
55. I have Central Serrous Retinopathy in my left eye. I only see peripherally.
56. I skipped Grade 2.
57. I wish my hubby liked to cook. I would rather eat a bad meal made by someone else than a good one that I had to cook myself!
58. One of the grossest odours is the smell of peanut butter in dishwater. Ew.
59. I have 5 televisions, 4 telephones, 2 DVD players, 2 computers and 2 VCRs.
60. I enjoy playing Sudoku.
61. I have two scars. One is from a cut I got when I bent over and hit my forehead on an old metal bed frame at Brownie camp. It bled profusely, but it didn’t hurt at all. The other is from my Cesarean sections.
62. I faithfully wear sunscreen. I love the look of a deep tan, but I’m afraid of skin damage. I often use a self tanner.
63. I can’t stand it when a cupboard door is left open.
64. I have short stubby fingers. I wish they were long and slender.
65. If I could afford cosmetic surgery, I would like a tummy tuck, eyelid lift and chin lift.
66. Once I get up in front of people and speak into a microphone, I love the feeling and it’s hard to shut me up!! Otherwise, I’m pretty quiet and shy!
67. I am an amazing harmonizer! I can harmonize to almost any song. I find it difficult to sing the melody.
68. I would like to have a Scooter, but I’m very afraid of motorcycles.
69. I don’t have a favourite colour, but I tend to buy a lot of RED things for my cottage and a lot of brown/earthy-tones clothing for myself.
70. I love shopping at thrift shops and yard sales.
71. I just got my hair cut. I miss my long hair already!
72. I am not a trendy person, and I swore I would never follow the CROCS revolution. But I have to admit, I LOVE my imitation Crocs that I bought for only $6 a pair! I have white, yellow and orange!
73. I am always hungry.
74. I used to teach fitness classes. I was a certified Aerobics instructor. I enjoyed teaching beginners or seniors. I worked in two different gyms and taught night school classes.
75. I used to work in a flower shop. I can design all kinds of floral arrangements.
76. I don’t wear my contacts anymore. I’m so used to my glasses now.
77. I performed on stage in ‘Evita’ and ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’
78. I was the Producer for ‘Footloose’ and ‘Wizard of Oz’
79. I coached girls softball for seven years.
80. I am intrigued by forensics
81. I went to Disney World twice and I wasn’t thrilled.
82. I don’t like many Reality shows. I do watch Dancing With the Stars because my husband likes it. I enjoy So You Think you Can Dance.
83. I rarely win anything.
84. I hate to see money spent on extravagant celebrations. I always think about how so many people in the world are in poverty.
85. I would like to have a chauffeur. I hate driving.
86. I have to eat breakfast. No matter what time I get up in the morning, eating is the first thing I do.
87. I get grumpy when I can’t eat when I’m hungry. I often carry a meal replacement bar in my purse.
88. Sometimes I can be a pushover.
89. But… sometimes I’ll fight until I get my way. Especially with store clerks who just don’t listen!!!
90. I love hardware stores and stationary stores!
91. I still have my Barbie collection. I wasn’t into ‘dolls’, but I loved my Barbies!! Barbie, Ken, Midge, 2 Skippers, Scooter, Casey, Alan, Ricky, Tutti and various original outfits, accessories and case.
92. When I was a young girl, I preferred to play with building sets, cars and racing sets.
93. I am an artist.
94. I can make a delicious pot of soup out of almost anything – without a recipe!
95. I love to watch my daughters dance.
96. My husband learned to play guitar when he was 30 years old. He is an amazing guitarist. I admire his talent and his dedication.
97. I absolutely hate getting the hiccups. I get angry when I do!
98. I keep a daily journal. I’ve been doing it since 1990. I also record the weather each day!
99. I love chocolate.
100. I am happy!