Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

Nov 12, 2006

First Snow

It snowed yesterday. It was magically beautiful. Thick, wet flakes fell overnight and most of the day. The tree boughs were heavy with the weight of it. Everything had a clean, white, beautiful snowy coat on it. But I had a hard time liking it. I hate snow.
I haven't always hated snow. When I was a kid, a teenager, a young mother - snow was wonderful! I used to slide down the schoolyard hill until the snow had worked it's way through my snowpants, jeans and underwear. Talk about cold butts! I was a downhill skier (very novice), a cross country skier and a snowmobiler.
We would take our girls on special outings to go sliding or skiing or sledding. We'd build snowmen and snow forts. I would make snow fudge and we'd eat it outside! Snow fudge is just like regular fudge, but when it's warm and gooey in the pan, you run outside and drizzle it on the clean snow to cool off! Chewy and delicious snow treats!
I think when I became a driver (I was 23 years old) I started hating snow. I was nervous driving in it. Still am. It's always so c-o-l-d in the car and I'm too much of a conservationist to let it warm up for very long! I don't want to pollute the air or waste the gas!! After so many years of living here in the north-east of Ontario with -30ºC temps and 4 feet of snow, I got tired of it. I hate snow.
But after seeing how gorgeous everything looked yesterday, I felt guilty. Maybe I need to seek snow-anger management classes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkssssssss, we haven't had any real snow yet, I'm having visions here Debb!!!!

After reading your post about the being a kid, freezing in the car, but won't pollute the air, cold setas and I constantly shake, plus the fact I hate winter driving, I think we could move in together lmao!!!!

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