Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

Jul 28, 2007

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by Amy and I must list 8 facts/habits about myself and then list who I'm tagging in return.

1. I spend WAY too much time on my laptop. I tell myself in the morning, "okay, just check your email, your forums and then walk away...". Never happens! I don't spend all day on it, just longer than I should.

2. I can't stand the sound of windshield wipers. When I'm driving, I set it to the slowest speed I can possibly tolerate. If Doug is driving, he usually puts them at the highest speed and I grit my teeth and seethe inside. I especially go nuts when it's stopped raining or slowed down and the wipers are still on high. Once, he got upset with me for telling him to turn them off, so now I have to grin and bear it and anxiously wait for the rain to stop. If he happens to run into a store or something, I quickly reach over and turn them down. If the wipers squeak -- it's even worse!! I can't explain it but they drive me NUTS!!!

3. I once met Colin James. Doug was his chauffeur in 1991 for a gig here in town. He drove him and his crew to and from their hotel. We got to watch the concert and afterwards DH introduced me to him. We got to talking about how much he loves fishing. We invited him to go fishing the next day and he accepted! He came over to our house, came inside, had a coffee. He autographed Doug's guitar for him and signed one of his CDs. We spent the day at the lake and he caught a few bass. While he was gone fishing with his manager and Doug, my niece and I prepared a BBQ. I went inside the cottage and noticed his clothes on the chair. I tried on his cowboy boots! haha, I wish I had taken a photo of them. But I did get a few pics of us and him!! Doug had to work that night, so I became chauffeur and drove him to the airport! What a great memory!

4. I do not like to travel by car. I'm fine within the city limits, but on long trips I am not completely relaxed. I find road trips are long and boring and unsafe. I would much prefer to travel by bus or train!

5. I write in a journal every day. I started in 1990 and I have not missed a day since. I also keep one at the cottage.

6. I love eating cereal at night instead of dessert. A bowl of Fruit Loops, Golden Grahams, Corn Pops or Reese's cereal is just the right amount of sweets for me! Yummmm.

7. My eldest daughter's middle name is Quinn -- named after Quinn Cummings from "The Goodbye Girl"

8. I am not religious, but I am very spiritual.

I will tag:
michelle davies


Sue said...

I love your duahgter's middle name!

Anonymous said...

Wow Debb, thats me in 1, 4, 6 & 8!

Colin James, wow, how freakin' cool, I actually got to meet him backstage at a show and he signed my CD, but whippee compared to your day, what a memory. Now come back and post those pics of him k!

LOL about the cowboy boots :)


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