I didn't realize at first that I had posted only women in my last Blog post! [BTW, thanks for the nice comments. My mom is always thrilled when someone comments on her photos! I'll be sure to tell her about these comments too!] And I'd also like to say that this week's theme is fun. I'm enjoying looking at everyone's posts.
So today, the men in my life. Both my Dad and my DH's Dad have passed away,and we have more women than men in our family. Besides one brother-in-law, the only guys in our family are two nephews, two nephews by marriage and 4 great-nephews. I don't get a chance to capture the guys very often because they're either not at the family events, or they're off doing their hunter-gatherer huddles around the BBQ grill! You know, where they stand in a circle around the meat and grunt! ha ha. In winter, you can usually find them in front of the TV or hovering over the food in the kitchen. Because I have no pictures of the other men in my family, I'm going to post of few of my darling DH!
Speaking of grunting by the grill......
Almost looks like he's trying to grill his face!Doug is a musician. One day, when he was 31 years old, he said, "I'm going to learn how to play the guitar!" The rest is history! He plays lead guitar in a local band. I took this when he was jamming by the campfire and applied a filter to it!
I don't know if it was a midlife thing or what, but he bought himself a Yamaha VStar Classic motorcycle for this 50th birthday! Somehow, I never pictured him as a biker -- but one look at this photo and you can tell he's definitely not your average biker dude!! What a guy!
And this one from today is DH trying to change the oil filter. One thing led to another and he ended up with broken parts and even an extra part!! Needless to say he was not a happy camper, uh... biker! Not sure if he'll get it back together for his road trip on Sunday.
Thanks for stopping by.
You really have such a colorful, rich lovely life with your family. I'm enjoying reading about those close to you.
LOL about the not your typical biker- and the grilled face shot too. You are so funny.
I sure love reading the stories that go with your pictures.
you do a great job journaling and it makes your wonderful photos that much more enjoyable!
Oooo, love what you did in #2, very effective. Looks like your DH is a lot of fun and a "jack of all trades" I would love to have one of those hot-dogs/brauts right about now, care to send one via mail? I'll even pay for the overnight shipping;)
How neat, I love that last shot!! Love the stories too
I love the filter you applied to the guitar shot!! Really cool!!
Very cool. I have to agree..your journaling makes the pictures more enjoyable. Thanks!
Love these. The grill and bike shot are my faves. Your photos are always so creative and I love reading your journaling. Now I've got to tag you.. Sorry. Please share 8 things we wouldn't know about you.
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