Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

Oct 9, 2007

Thanksgiving, Banana Boats and Fun!

I love spending Thanksgiving at camp. We've had some great temps, but no sunshine this year. It was overcast and cloudy, but no rain. We started a campfire Sunday morning before our guests arrived. Sipped coffee and enjoyed the warmth of the fire. Usually in the summer, we don't have campfires that often for fear of forest fires. But the wind was calm and the bush was already damp from a few days of rain, so it was nice not to have to worry about sparks. We gathered benches and chairs and circled them around the fire pit.
Doug had to take several boat trips to and from the Marina to pick up our friends and family. [We NEED a new boat!!] With only 5 life-jackets and comfortable seating for 4, it makes it tough! There was 14 of us all together for a wonderful Thanksgiving day.
I took lots of pictures, so I'll post more in a day or two.
We made banana boats in the hot coals. This was our lunch! We didn't want to be too full for turkey dinner!




amazing grace said...

never seen that before.....looks good! so it's choc, bananas and marshmallows???

Looks like you are having a great time!

cherie said...

that loos good....never heard of it before.

Tori said...

I've never heard of that before, but my goodness.... it looks SOOO good!!

Lorrie said...

banana boats are nasty looking but OMG are they some tasty stuff. We make them at the lake on the fire. Mmmmm... great - I WANT ONE NOW! lol.

Anonymous said...

Like, wholly frig and yum!!!!!!!


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kar·ma (kär'me) -- [from the root kri, "to do" "to make"] - is the means by which you become the architect of your own destiny....actions set in motion.....