It's been quite a while since I last posted. Partly due to health issues, partly due to total lack of motivation and inspiration! It's not that I haven't thought of blogging, I have - but from mind to computer is another thing altogether!!
Each year I like to take a family photo for Christmas. Last year's is HERE.
This year I wanted to do something funny. I had in my mind to do this outside, because we were having a very mild November. Of course, just before we planned to do the shoot, we got dumped with several inches of snow and it turned COLD. I don't have a lot of room in my living room, but it's the nicest room in the house so I set up there. Not a lot of room for good depth of field either, but you do what you can! We made some fun and unusual clothing choices and had a total HOOT taking these! I had some issues with backlighting, but I think I managed to deal with it okay. Hope you enjoy them!

Tuning up for a Jingle Jamboree!!

Thanks for looking!
What a fun family! I love photos like these that show a family's sense of humor and personality. Lucky you to have such great sports!
The photos are a hoot! I love the fun factor, and that you got everyone to participate is really great. I'm hoping you'll feel better soon both in health and spirit. Sometimes taking a break away from things can give you new perspective and motivation. Sometimes, you just need a challenge. So, I challenge you my dear friend.... to find something you love but have forgotten about, and photograph it to show us...... I'll be watching for the post!
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