Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

Feb 18, 2008

Another beautiful day on Lake Panache

Winter can't get any better than this. Okay, for those of you that know I hate winter, you must wonder if I've lost my mind. I'm not a winter lover in general. I hate driving on snowy, slippery roads. I hate slush. I hate how dirty the snowbanks get and it makes the whole city look icky. I admit that I love shoveling, so that part of winter is okay!! I hate being cold. In summer, there's always a place you can go to cool off - like the basement, or a cool shower, or an air conditioned mall, or to the lake. But in winter, it's not so easy to warm up when you've got that deep-down chill.
BUT, at camp - winter is amazing. The snow couldn't be any whiter. The quiet is so quiet, you can practically hear your own heart beat. The birds flit from one feeder to the next and they are quite mesmerizing to watch. The snow seems to stay on the trees longer at camp and the branches are heavy with the white stuff. It even smells better.
As always, food tastes better at camp -- no matter what it is. Even a hot dog can taste gourmet - and I LOVE hot dogs.

Welcome to our camp....

1 comment:

pat said...

Debb--Love these shots! They remind me so much of our cottage (I guess you call it camp)in the woods; we spent a winter there and it was exactly as you described.

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My Own Karma

kar·ma (kär'me) -- [from the root kri, "to do" "to make"] - is the means by which you become the architect of your own destiny....actions set in motion.....