Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

Nov 26, 2006

My Christmas Decor

I started decorating today! I was going to wait until December 2nd, when the MCTV Children's Telethon is on TV. It's tradition for us to decorate the house that day! But, after listening to some Christmas music on Pandora today, I couldn't wait!

I only put up a few garlands, lights and pictures, but it looks quite festive in here!
In one month from today, Christmas will be all over for another year!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you've done a beautiful job Debb, knowing you I bet your house is going to look awesome, I've done my decorating now, actually a record for us guys lol.

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kar·ma (kär'me) -- [from the root kri, "to do" "to make"] - is the means by which you become the architect of your own destiny....actions set in motion.....