Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

Nov 28, 2006

We had an ice day today. Freezing rain began last night and we woke up to a blanket of thin ice on EVERYTHING. The car slid down the driveway as Meghan was backing it up. Almost hit the retaining wall! She had just arrived at her Teaching placement when she heard on the radio that all classes were cancelled! The main roads were well salted and sanded, but parking lots, sidewalks and side roads were treacherous. When Meg got back, she could only drive the car a few feet up the driveway. Trying to get herself out of the car was hillarious! She couldn't get a grip on the driveway and was holding herself up on the car door, giggling the whole time! She finally got her footing and hopped onto the grass. We enjoyed a morning of doing nothing! By afternoon, roads were in better condition and the temps are rising even now. Forecast for tomorrow is +11ºC!!! Crazy!!!


Team Design-Bytes said...

Hey I didn't know you had a blog!!! See what happens when I open my eyes and actually "look" at things. LOL!!

It's supposed to be in the 60's again tomorrow, I cannot believe it. I hope it stays warm unseasonably LONGER. I'm LOVING the sunsets we're getting too. Today, we had gorgeous colors in the sky at 3pm (the earliest I've seen those type of colors ever), I wasn't able to get out though, the timing was bad... Len was due home, Emily was due home.. and I had JUST gotten home myself with a headache starting. All better now, hoping tomorrow is much the same!
I'll send a little sunshine your way to make sure ALL that ice goes away.

Anonymous said...

OMG Debb, how freakin' scary having weather like that now eekkss.

I'm glad no one was hurt in the ice blast :)

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