Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

Apr 20, 2007


I gave Gracie a new type of bone today. She's very sensitive to certain foods and can't have wheat, gluten, corn or any meat protein. Because of that, we've only been able to give her treats of fruits or veggies, which she loves - but no doggie bones or treats. Found these Checkups bones at Costco yesterday. Of course, she LOVES them. First she has to bring it outside and stare at it. Then she pounces on it and plays with it like she's killing a small animal - tossing it in the air, shaking it, jumping on it! Then she lies down and stares at it some more. Finally, I guess it's dead and then she eats it!
This is Gracie ENJOYING her new treat!!


Sue said...

Looks like she is happy, content, and loving life :) That's a big huge smile I see on her face! Great picture :) Beautiful dog!

Jan said...

I can hear her crunching from here!! Cute shot. The lighting is really nice, too!

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