Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

Apr 8, 2007


I rarely, if ever get to be in front of the camera! And then, I rarely, if ever like the photo of me! I'm either having a bad hair day, or my eyes are half closed, or I'm chewing or my mouth is wide open, or, you get the picture!! And, I rarely, if ever show anybody the pics of me. So, this is rare for me share these!
My girls were playing around with my camera on Easter sunday and snapped these of me. I like them, I really like them - pushing-50 wrinkles and all!!


Trisha said...

I LOVE your glasses! And I know how you feel. I always find *something* wrong with pictures of me. "Ew look at the face I'm making!", "I hate how I look in that outfit", or "Oh my hair is bad!" I also rarely get pictures of myself that I like...These aren't bad though! I like them!

Team Design-Bytes said...

you beauty!!

Sara said...

You look fabulous- I don't care how old or young you are.
I agree with you that I generally don't like photos that are taken of me, either. But I decided recently that I need to not care, because documenting my family needs to include ME TOO! Good for you for putting yourself out there.

Tina Parker said...

You look great girl!!!

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