Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

Jan 11, 2007

100 Things about ME

I've seen a few of these lists on other blogs and websites. At first I thought, meh, I'm not gonna do that. But reading other's has inspired me to make a list of my own. And it didn't take me long at all. In fact, I think I can even come up with another 100!! Is that crazy? I even find myself thinking of little snippets of me-isms throughout the day.
Without further ado, welcome to 100 things about me, Part I

1. I love chocolate.
2. I am a technology geek. I love computers, cell phones, PDAs, etc, etc.
3. I am a great mom. I feel totally confident is saying that.
4. I met my husband when I was 14 years old. We’ve been married for 28 ½ years.
5. I have two daughters. My Shining Star, Lauren Quinn and my Sunshine, Meghan
6. I am not a spontaneous person.
7. I used to have a large gap between my two front teeth, but I had them bonded
several years ago. My husband says my space is what made him fall in love
with me!
8. I named my eldest daughter after two actresses. Lauren Hutton and Quinn
9. I have the best dog ever…… Vegas Grace [Gracie]. She’s a Golden/Yellow Lab, almost three years old!
10. I love pasta.
11. I spend way too much time on the computer.
12. I am totally at peace when at our cottage on Lake Penage.
13. I used to be afraid of going to funerals, but it's not as difficult for me anymore.
14. I am a VERY organized person. Some people have called me anal.
15. I love playing games, especially board games, and Sudoku.
16. I have two sisters. They are 8 years and 10 years older than me.
17. My mother is from Arnhem, Holland. I never learned how to speak Dutch.
18. My father was born and raised in Verner, Ontario.
19. I’ve worn glasses since I was 9 years old.
20. I don't like spicy foods, especially HOT spicy.
21. I have three tattoos, and I want one more.
22. I have a belly ring.
23. I prefer to go bare feet whenever possible.
24. Ever since I was little, I wanted to be a Hippy. I was too young in the 60’s to be part of the Beat Generation, but I think I am a hippy now!
25. I am a poet.
26. I can play the piano, at about a Grade 4 level.
27. I love to read. One of my favourite authors is Dean Koontz.
28. I am a certified Barista. I can make a mean Latté!
29. I had a horrible corneal infection a few years ago. I have a fear of losing my eyesight.
30. My Dad had sinus cancer and had to wear a prosthetic nose.
31. I desperately wanted more than two children. Hubby didn’t.
32. I had a tubal ligation in 1991. My incision got infected and it was horrible for several weeks.
33. I have been to the Netherlands 1 ½ and at 13.
34. One of my first dates with my husband was on October 13th,. We went to a school dance and April Wine was the band that played.
35. I used to be in a band. We were called Skyler’s View. I sang back-up and played hand percussion.
36. I hid in the bathroom when I was 5 years old. I was competing in a piano recital and I didn’t want to go on stage.
37. I had a panic attack when I attended The Irish Rovers concert. I was 11 years old.
38. I am very creative.
39. My husband and I took Colin James fishing in 1991.
40. I weigh about 125 pounds. My weight hasn’t changed in over 20 years.
41. I generally don’t like fruit or vegetables very much.
42. I would prefer to eat junk food.
43. I am a Prime-time TV addict!
44. I watch Days of our Lives every day.
45. I hate game shows.
46. I wish I could speak more than one language.
47. I wanted to get married in a white eyelet peasant dress, a crown of daisies and bare feet. My family talked me out of it.
48. I have never smoked.
49. I dye my hair.
50. I refuse to be an old lady. [see #24]
51. I like frozen Margaritas.
52. I can’t wait to be a grandmother. I’ll even take an illegitimate grandchild!!
53. I have a LOT of patience.
54. I RARELY ever get stressed.
55. I love popcorn.
56. I wish I could afford to buy new furniture for my house.
57. Someone in my family forgot my birthday this year. [Not my husband or kids]
58. I produced two theatrical plays. The Wizard of Oz and Footloose!
59. When I was young, I wished my name was DeeDee. I think I heard it on the "Tammy's In Love" movie!
60. I used to have a Pug named Togo. I would love to have another Pug.
61. I love watching movies.
62. I used to sneak chocolate in the middle of the night, but then fell asleep with it in my mouth. Woke up to a messy pillowcase a few times!
63. I don’t dislike many people. I can’t stand Bob Barker or Regis Philbin.
64. I would love to take Ballroom dancing lessons. Hubby won’t.
65. I love thunder and lightning storms.
66. I love scary amusement park rides.
67. I love scary movies, but not the cheesy, gross ones.
68. I wish I had have taken Photography classes in high school.
69. I’m not afraid of many things.
70. I am not religious, but I’m very spiritual.
71. Just the thought of fresh Coconut makes me gag.
72. As far as I know, nobody hates me.
73. I have only dated two other people besides my husband.
74. I got drunk a few times before I was legal.
75. I can drive a Standard stick-shift.
76. I flew a small airplane once – for about 45 seconds!
77. I wrote my first poem at 11 years of age.
78. My daughters and I share clothes and shoes.
79. I love my husband’s red hair.
80. My husband and I thought we were terrible parents because our daughters hated each other for years. They are great friends now!
81. I love Musicals.
82. I had a crush on Mark Lester [Oliver]when I was 13.
83. I rarely ever wear a watch.
84. I am an environmentalist. It really bothers me when I see wasteful people.
85. I cry when I see animals hurt.
86. I never watch TV during the day.
87. I won a short story contest once.
88. I have enjoyed taking pictures since I got my first 35mm camera when I was 15.
89. I often crave lemon meringue pie from Perkins.
90. I am SO lucky to have met and married the perfect man
91. I can’t stand the hype and pomp that celebrities get. They are just people with careers.
92. I don’t need a career to fulfill me.
93. I know I am loved
94. I wish I had a best friend
95. I would have made a good teacher.
96. I get nervous on road trips. I'd rather travel by bus or train or plane.
97. I don’t want to get old
98. I love having Saunas and soaking in my Hot Tub
99. I’m going to be 50 next year!
100. I could easily write another 100 things about me!

1 comment:

Team Design-Bytes said...

I could easily read another 100 things about you, LOVED IT!

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