Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

Jan 10, 2007

Back to Normal

...or whatever 'normal' is! Meg is back in North Bay at teacher's college. This time she's there for six weeks before coming home for another job placement.
Lauren is back to teaching dance, although today she is sick with the flu. :(
All the Christmas decorations are put away and the holday food has been eaten or thrown away -- but I have a few chocolates left! Mmmmm, chocolate! :)

I am NOT a resolution maker, but I do like lists. I've got an ongoing list of things I want to do and get done. Nothing too crazy or consuming, but things that tend to get postponed or shoved under the proverbial rug!

Here's a few things on my list:
-- organize my Fonts. I've got too many and they're not sorted in any way at all. I've been trying to find an easy way to do it, but no luck so far.
-- write a Bio. I want to include a little Bio about myself on my website.
-- make templates. I have been wanting to design some everyday templates to post on my site. I've got some ideas, and now I've got to apply them! I also want to make another Border set.
-- make new business cards. I've already got a basic card design and printed, but I need to update it!
-- update my photos. I do this fairly often, but it's been a few weeks.
-- start a photo group. A few friends and I are in the process of beginning a new Photography/Camera group in Sudbury. Our goal so far is to meet to share camera techniques and editing styles and techniques. Haven't had a first meeting yet, but I am anxious to get this started!
-- learn my new Wacom Tablet. Doug got me this for Christmas. I'm having a bit of difficulty getting used to using it as my 'main' mouse, but for editing, it's absolutley fantastic!
-- LEARN MY NEW CAMERA. This should be number one on my list. I need to sit down with manual in my lap and camera in hand and read, read and learn! So far, I am LOVING this Pentax dSLR

Here's a pic from the new camera. This was taken on Hillside Trail. We just discovered this trail and we love it. It's a 2km walk ONE way. It's beautiful!

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My Own Karma

kar·ma (kär'me) -- [from the root kri, "to do" "to make"] - is the means by which you become the architect of your own destiny....actions set in motion.....