Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

May 25, 2007


We've been at our cottage the last few days and I can't upload fast enough with our dial-up. I've got to catch up on everyone's Blogs!!
I didn't take any new photos of Gracie, so I thought I'd introduce you to Finnigan. My daughter rescued him from dumpster living in October 2005. He was only 7 weeks old. Doug and I swore we would never have another cat in our house, but since DD was only living with us temporarily, we allowed her to bring him home. Well, that was over a year ago. Both Finnigan and daughter are still living with us! ha ha - but that's okay!
This little dude is really quite well behaved for a cat. He rarely scratches the furniture. I say rarely, but he does seem to have an afinity for leather and plastic. I think we'll hold off on getting that new leather sofa!
Finny loves to play with Gracie - on HIS terms! When he's not in the mood, he just runs away.
We used to tie up Finny on a leash outside because DD didn't want him to be a wanderer. Well, that worked the first summer, but not this year. So he has taken to enjoying nights out, scrapping with neighbourhood cats and swaggering home at 6am. I don't think he strays very far from our yard, but it's well treed and I'm sure he feels like he lives in a forest!
One of these days DD will be moving to her own apartment. When she does she'll be taking Mr. Finn with her. We'll miss that little stinker!

[Finny watching for birdies in the window feeder!]


robin said...

I like Finny's eyes and striped tail. Funny shot of him standing there looking out the window!

Ingrid said...

He's beautiful. Great capture of his eyes. Funny PPF story a few entries down!

Debra said...

WOW on the eyes!!!!.... and great story too... i hope it's not the catnip that keeps him out at all wee hours of the morning....

Lori said...

I love kitties that sit up like that! They're so cute!

Anonymous said...

More adorable pics, gosh the first one is stunning Debb!


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