Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

May 14, 2007

In Memory

My dad passed away in 2002 from complications after a heart attack. He was 83. Dad always said he was going to live to a ripe old age of 90, like his dad. Too bad he didn't make it. Dad went through a lot his last few years. He was diagnosed with sinus cancer 1996. It was very serious and he needed to have the cancer removed right away which resulted in him losing part of his nose. After complications from more surgeries, he ended up with no nose. The doctors and specialists he saw in Toronto were miracle workers! Not only was the cancer gone, but he now had a prosthetic nose! He looked almost normal with that plastic nose! However, after a few years of having no nose, his eyes and cheeks began to 'sink' and lower into his face. The nose did not fit as well as it used to. He was a proud man and hated that 'fake' nose and often would refuse to wear it. The family was used to seeing him with no nose, but strangers would be shocked when they saw him. The hardest part of dad's illness was seeing him go from a strong, silly and happy man to a sad, depressed, sunken man.
Nevertheless, he was a trouper. He never complained. He was a fighter.
His heart remained true, always. I never want to forget his trueness of heart.
After he passed away, I asked the nurses in the hospital if I could have a copy of his electrocardiogram. I framed it.


Sue said...

Your dad sounds like he was a wonderful man :) Beautiful memory you have created and captured. I love your pics from yesterday too!

Nichole said...

I love how you captued this.

Team Design-Bytes said...

You know I can totally relate to this story. I'm glad you love your Dad and you have a piece of his heart forever.

Patti said...

I think this is a lovely way to remember your Dad. It's hard to see your parents getting older. The words you have written here show so much love for him.

Tori said...

your dad sounds like he was an amazing man. i love how you have a picture of his "heart" to keep with you forever.

Dar Kaso said...

Your post brought tears to my eyes. Your father sounds like he was a wonderful man.

Tina said...

Awwwee I'm so sorry!! It has been a few years, but I'm sure it still has to be hard. I think that creating and keeping something like this is a great momento! We need more people like him...staying true to himself, what an unbelievable man!!!
Thanks for sharing this Debb!!!

Sara said...

I am so touched at the unique and symbolic piece of your dad's heart. I came close to losing Dad last summer to a heart attack- I am particularly aware of his heart.
Thanks for sharing this with us.

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