Some days are just a 'bottoms-up' kind of day!!

Jul 27, 2007

I heard on CBC radio recently a story about how some developers and communities are trying to ban the use of clotheslines! Apparently, in some communities this bylaw is already in effect! WHAT???? I don't get it! The energy use of the dryer alone has GOT to have an impact on not only the individual home-owner's hydro bill, but on the country's overall energy consumption. THAT can't be good for global warming and the environment. And what about the toxic chemicals that are infused into each and every dryer sheet that is being 'fluffed' into our clothing and out into the atmosphere from our dryer vents? Then those dryer sheets are thrown into the trash where they take a really long time to decompose! Not to mention the allergies that a lot of people have to scented things and perfumes - and we're pumping out those scents through our dryer vent into the air!
Clothes that are dried outside even SMELL better!
And how much of an eyesore can a line of clothes really be? They're only on the line for a short time. A neighbourhood doesn't look great on trash day either. All those garbage bins and blue boxes out on the curb for everyone to look at! I'm surprised that they haven't been banned too! Maybe we'll soon have to put our garbage out into neat, tidy, cedar lined fancy boxes - all the same. I'd much rather look at some t-shirts and towels on a line that icky, dented, stinky trash cans!
I mean, C'MON - it's a clothesline!! We've been drying clothes on a line for centuries - I just don't get it.


bprincephoto said...

I love your shot. I'm guilty. We don't have a clothes line here. No neighborhood policy I just couldn't keep up with it that way. But you mentioned the garbage. Where my mom and dad live- you DO have to have a special box for your garbage. They say it's to keep the bears out but ....

Tori said...

Nice shot! We don't have a clothesline either... of course, it rains daily here in the summer, so our clothes would never dry. I will say that we don't use dryer sheets though. They aren't great for your dryer either.

cherie said...

this reminds me of my grandma she hung here clothes out all the time. and her sheets smelled so good!thnaks for such a pleasant memeory.

Amy said...

That is too crazy ~ I'm a nut about hanging my clothes out to dry! In the winter, my house looks terrible b/c they are draped over all the doors to dry ~ I can't stand to use the dryer unless I have too! I'm tagging you ~ check out my blog (mommyg) for details.

Heather said...

Well, I must admit I too use the dryer. But I thank you for all the guilt I'm sure I'll remember every time I do now! LOL

Mom2Drew said...

I'm a fan of clothesline dried clothing too. Here, the weather is too volitle to do such drying, but...where my parents are in Florida, everyone uses a line and it's kinda a neat scene-not to mention fun seeing what everyone has out;)

Joanne Fowler said...

I never had a dryer growing up and was always mortified when my mom hung up my underware for all the neighbors to see! LOL So I appreciate the privacy of a dryer! HAHAHA We don't have a line out and I'm not even sure where we'd put one. Great post, got me thinking more about this! Great composition in the pic too!

Sue said...

Great shot - great dof. Great post. I agree that I think it's ridiculous to have a ban on clotheslines. While I've never dried on a clothesline - I think it's nuts to ban.

Me said...

When I was growing up my mom always hung out the wash (or I should say, we kids hung out the wash). When it was my choice,as an adult, I chose the dryer. I always hated those stiff towels from the line. When my dryer died on me, I had to go back to hanging outside. I started to really love the "work" of laundry day. It was fun to be outside hanging clothes while the kids played on their swingset, etc.
Now I live in one of those BANNED clothes lines, no garbage cans outside, no sheds, no NOTHING. LOL I'm with's stupid.

Dar Kaso said...

Great shot Debb. Personally I love to see clothes hanging out on the line dryer, especially sheets, nothing smells better than air dryed sheets. It would be a crime to outlaw clotheslines, if anything we should all be encouraged to use them and save some energy.

Anonymous said...

Cool shot Debb!

Nothing like sheets on your bed after coming off the clothesline!

Booooooo hoooooooo on them.


Team Design-Bytes said...

I remember a time when I could not afford a dryer or washer for that matter, washed mine and my young baby son's clothes in the sink by hand and hung them all out to dry on the line. I cannot imagine what I would have had to do for dry clothes back then if this were in effect where I lived.
Like... I've heard stories close to home where people have been decapitated while snowmobiling and not seeing wire fences... but you don't see bans on that!
I dunno, I just don't the way people think sometimes.

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